Puppetry – Magic – Effects – Pyrotechnics – Atmospherics
Before studying theatrical direction, Michael McNulty worked as a professional magician and built puppets for a magic shop in Boston. The application of puppetry and magic theory, technique and effects to traditional theatrical production became a focus of his work. McNulty has designed, engineered and built specialized effects and puppets for a wide variety of theatrical presentations as well as commercial event production. He has engineered technical means for actors to appear, disappear, transform, levitate and fly as well as rigging props for a variety of animated or magical effects. McNulty has designed and directed carnivals, festivals and haunted attractions. He’s built and directed puppets of varied shapes and size from 3″ to 20′, including a Cheshire Cat whose smiling teeth illuminated Wonderland and an Audrey II (Little Shop of Horrors) that lifted actors off the floor before chewing them up and swallowing them…gone. Michael McNulty also has substantial experience with theatrical pyrotechnics and atmospheric effects, often combining techniques to create complicated illusions like actors burning up in flames (Red Noses/Marisol) or the de-scent of Angels (Angels in America/Marisol).